Nothing in this post is about poetry.

Just putting this out there.

I’m a really good training and development professional.

I’ve designed, developed, and delivered literally hundreds of interpersonal skills courses to audiences from the C-suite to line staff in industrial, corporate, governmental, and non-profit settings. I have extensive experience as a platform trainer in person and have done similar programs virtually for longer than just the pandemic era. (I don’t develop eLearning myself, but I know and have worked with folks who do.)

I can work with you and your organization to adjust my content for your needs, or we can develop something from the ground up.

I don’t believe in gimmicks, buzzwords, and slogans of the moment. I believe in doing the right thing and keeping things simple, real, and ethically sound.

I never talk about this stuff, but I need work, and I think I’ve shortchanged myself in not making that part of my career more public.

There are people on here who can testify to my skill level; I won’t put them on the spot, but feel free, folks. (In some cases they are bound by corporate policies to not say anything about my performance. No pressure.)

Anyway, if this is interesting to you, or if you think I might be able to help you with an issue? Hit me up and we can talk.

I’ll also entertain questions here in public if it makes sense.

30+ years of experience is available for your use. I’d love to talk to you.


About Tony Brown

A poet with a history in slam, lots of publications; my personal poetry and a little bit of daily life and opinions. Read the page called "About..." for the details. View all posts by Tony Brown

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