Tag Archives: lyrics

The Head Of A Pin

I’m out here dancing on the head of a pin
I’ll keep on dancing till I swell
And fill right up with sin
I’ll be large enough to see
But small enough to spin
Like a razor balanced on the head of a pin

I’m out here dancing on the head of a pin
Angelic when I started 
Becoming demon under the skin
As the dancing grows more frantic
Limb over limb, limb over limb
A cyclone set upon the head of a pin

Hear the band that’s playing
Hear the rhythm of the drum
Hear accordion and violin
There’s a keening in the background
And a flute beneath it all
Hear a mystery of dark and light revolving

I’m out here dancing on the head of a pin
I’ll keep on dancing till I swell
And fill right up with sin
I’ll be large enough for you to see
But small enough to spin
If you choose to dance with me on the head of a pin

Tiger’s Way

With apologies to John, Michelle, Cass, Denny…and all of you

All the world is curds
and the air is whey
I hopped on a bus
and ran on Guy Fawkes’ Day
I’d be under fire
if I’d chosen to stay
Surrealists are in charge
This is the tiger way

Stopped to drink a beer
along the way
Shoved my face into the glass
and sucked those suds away
Ordered up another
No point in sobriety
When everything’s infected
in the body of society

The milk of kindness curdles
The blood of caring clots
If I go for a walk
I won’t attempt to pray
because I think it’s pointless
expecting to be saved
We wait to be devoured
as we walk the tiger’s way


the lack of rain 
come the fires

Then after 
the fires 
come the wars

The water runs out
and then
comes the judgement

The eyes of
Dull from starving

Still alive enough
to know
where to find blame

Didn’t anyone tell us
Of course someone told us
There are so many shouting
It is all you can hear
There are multitudes crying
that this hot world is dying 
and no one replying
does enough to ease fear

the fear
comes the hunger

Tangled up
in the hunger
will come the scramble to live

living a while 
past the end of the countries

We’ll find ways
to hate each other
Drawing lines in the dust

In A City Of Light

You hear a solo guitar
being played
in a city of light

Then imagine somewhere
in a garden

dressed to kill
is dancing alone

Because longing
took over 
their dreams

Which turned hard 
as a coastline
soaked in spray

and roused them
to try and dance
back into sleep

in a bar
not too far away

Someone’s drinking
their third Scotch
of the night

Wishing things
were different and they were
still open to touch

This is not the life
they once imagined
they’d live

A life
beyond vanilla
to make church people cry

For their vision
of heaven that was mostly
flat plain and white

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (instr. break)

to music
You start to cry

You can feel
something coming
that smells like a grave

Hope is exhausting
when hope 
is all that you have

to get
from dark to dawn
and then through the day

Go to sleep
past dusk
then wake up in a sweat

Your picture of the future
so flat plain and white

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (instr. break)

Four Scotches in
Shut off 
They go stumbling home

Stops to lean 
on the brick wall
of a garden nearby

On the other side
a dancer
continues to twirl

and the drunkard
starts humming
as they close their eyes

while this song
they don’t know
continues to play

The dancer 
and the drunkard
so close in this city of light

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (instr. coda)

They never meet
Hope fails again
Their dreams collapse
Into flat plain and white

A Pop Song

I wanna write a pop song
For half the world to love
Wanna write a pop song
The other half can loathe

Wanna write a pop song
That lifts an easy load
A pop song
A pop song
That takes a simple road

No one cares for pop songs
The way they used to
When the words and music shook the earth
Out from under you

Wanna write one like a fast machine
That rolls out over the air
Runs over all that came before it
Feels like it was always there

Wanna write a pop song
Like the ones that came before
A pop song
A pop song
Like no one’s heard before

Wanna write a pop song
Don’t care if it doesn’t sell
A pop song 
A pop song
From one hit wonder hell

A pop song like a small machine
That floats across your ears
Sticks there till the next one comes
Then disappears for years

Although no one cares for pop songs
The way they used to
Words and music that shook the earth
Out from under you

Maybe that’s just me
Maybe I’m just old and tired
Maybe some still feel this way
Maybe some still get inspired

By a pop song

Nothing Worth Doing

Note:  Including this in the name of inclusiveness.  I’ve been working for the past few days on musical efforts for the band, and needed something to fit a particular piece of music.  I don’t really write lyrics, but can’t deny that this has a more “lyrical” quality to it than a lot of my other work.  


Can’t see the sane without seeing the mad

Can’t think about one and not the other

A blink is darkness embedded in light

When a baby never cries we get worried and sad

Can’t see the ugly without seeing the lovely

You’ve got to have one if you have the other

A flower disappears when it turns into fruit

When a baby never cries we know something is wrong

Sometimes it feels like
it’s hard to keep going
Like putting out effort 
is the province of fools

But if nothing’s worth doing
what are we doing here
Might as well hang it up
Might as well move along

Can’t see a saint without knowing they’ve sinned

Can’t hear shouts without listening for whispers

A storm clears the air as it tears up the town

A baby gone silent gets us pacing the floor

Sometimes it feels like
it’s hard to keep going
Like putting out effort 
is the province of fools
But if nothing’s worth doing
what are we doing here
Might as well hang it up
Might as well move along

We keep moving through all the confusion
Keep moving through all of the crazy
Keep moving through all of the bullshit
Keep moving till we drop in our tracks

Song To Sing In The Dark

When do you think the killing will stop?
By solider, by monster, by husband or cop?
The blood soaking everything, bottom to top;
When do you think the killing will stop?

When do you think they will let the poor be?
When will you and I get our chance to live free?
When will hungry folks eat and the strangled breathe free?
When do you think they will let the poor be?

When will the business of prison go broke?
When will the pipeline of slaves start to choke?
When will our sparks lead to smolder, then smoke?
When will the business of prison go broke?

When do we stand up and say it’s enough?
When will we swallow our fear and get rough?
It will never be easy, it will be always be tough —
If now’s not the moment, what will be enough?

Punk Rock Song #2

Originally posted 9/30/2010.

someone on the cover of a showbiz magazine
saying really really stupid things she really really means
calls herself a grizzly bear and dresses like a queen

why are we so happy

abercrombie model into fratboy rapist shit
a head that’s barely bigger than a fucking cherry pit
his brain rolls round inside it and there’s lots of room to fit

why are we so happy

it seems that the dumber they come
the wider we grin
it seems that the louder they talk
the bigger the pain

senator ridiculous opens up his mouth
water turns to burning oil and rivers all dry out
put money in his pocket to buy a lot of clout

why are we so happy

it seems that the poison we take
keeps us amused
it seems that the poison we make
is never refused

abercrombie model and a frozen lizard queen
always keep us laughing we don’t question what it means
senator ridiculous ghost rides a limousine

why are we so happy


Hot Universal Dog Crossbow Blues

Big Universal Dog
Big Universal Dog
Got those Big Universal Dog
Big Universal Dogs With Crossbows Blues 

Hot dog with a crossbow
Looks out for number one
Big dog with a Crossbow
Looks out for number one
Every dog got a crossbow
Nothing more ever get done

Big Universal Dog
Big Universal Dog
Got those Big Universal Dog
Big Universal Dogs With Crossbows Blues 

Mad dog with a crossbow
Makes a man look like a fool
Big dog with a crossbow
Makes a man act the fool
If every dog had a crossbow
You know those Crossbow Dogs would rule

God gave the doggies thumbs
Taught them how to draw a bow
Made them slaves to what he wanted
Now those doggies got to know
Everything we always knew
When we were the only ones
When we had all the crossbows
All the bullets and the guns

Now them doggies they can run
And they always run in packs
They remember all we’ve done to them
And they’re looking for payback
It’s the last thing we expected
Last thing we would have thought
Now them doggies all have crossbows
And we’re all gonna get shot

Big Universal Dog
Big Universal Dog
Got those Big Universal Dog
Big Universal Dogs With Crossbows Blues  



Punk Rock Song #2

sarah on the cover of another magazine
saying stupid things she really really means
calls herself a grizzly bear and dresses like a queen

why are we so happy

abercrombie model talking fratboy rapist shit
with a head that’s barely bigger than a fucking cherry pit
and a brain stuffed inside it that has lots of room to fit

why are we so happy

it seems that the dumber they come
the wider we grin
it seems that the louder they talk
the bigger the pain

senator ridiculous opens up his mouth
water turns to burning oil and rivers all dry out
they put money in his pocket to buy a little clout

why are we so happy

it seems that the poison we take
keeps us amused
it seems that the poison we make
is never refused

abercrombie model and a frozen lizard queen
always keep us laughing we don’t question what it means
senator ridiculous is riding limousines

why are we so happy

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Survivors’ War Song

Devil or doctor
Teacher or angel
Speaking in tongues

Answer or dogma
Outlet or handcuff
Blindfolded hounds

Seeking or holding
Conservator carver
Slicing through ice

Ripper or pastor
Preacher molestor
Collar of lies

I am beholden
To historic forces
I am beholden
To hands that entrap and imprison attempts to reveal
I am beholden
To whispers and shouts in the blood of the congregation
I am beholden
To words on a page that are bent into pretzels of pain

Jailers or blacksmiths
Forger redeemers
Slippery thieves

Father confessor
Father forgiver
Indulgence is bliss

I am released now
By tearing of garments
I am released now
Through memories pried from the files of the damned
I am released now
To find losing battles that no one has bothered to fight
I am released now
To fugue state redemption relief from the most holy light

Angel is devil
Father is teacher
Teacher is wrong

Embalm or rupture
Freedom or lordship
Prayer rug or shroud

I am remainder
Of secret agreement
I am remainder
Of whispered imagined forgotten requests for my skin
I am remainder
Of liturgy twisting above acid baths of closed eyes
I am remainder
Of everything not allowed out to be loose in the daylight

Blogged with the Flock Browser

I Kissed A Goat

Sometimes, you fight doggerel with more doggerel…


I Kissed A Goat

Katie Perry kissed a girl
Then alerted all the world
Half the planet sang along
I think that she got it wrong

When she stopped to think about
What he’d say if he found out
She should have told him to fuck off
And find a boy to kiss himself

All this over one small kiss
From cherry-coated chapsticked lips
Do us a favor and write a new one
And this time, get your freak flag on

Write one called "I Kissed A Goat"
Or "Did It With Oprah On A Boat"
Or "I Never Liked Boys Anyway
And I Kissed Her ‘Cuz It Felt OK"

Transgressing stale old boundaries
Might make some coin from wannabes
Or rile a Fundamentalist
(Who wishes that he’d seen that kiss)

But most of us around these parts
Believe in kissing from the heart
And whether your boyfriend minds or not
Is totally beside the point

Song: Last Request

Withered me, leathered me,
grizzled beard on weathered me;
walk me out to any cliff,
let the wind put an end to me.

Blackball me, lever me,
pry me up and sever me;
make me shut my mouth for good,
turn me into history.

I can’t do this by myself,
I can’t make me disappear.
I can only do it with your help,
Hold my hand and help dispel the fear;

Obese me, obscene me,
Rattle brained depressing me;
Put me on a chariot,
Let the angels carry me.

For too long I’ve been trying hard
To take that last walk on my own.
I’ve been killing off my heart,
I’m no good at it when I’m all alone;

So comfort me, comfort me,
I’ll nullify your faith in me;
Watch me walk away from this
and you can keep the best of me.

Blind Bill Yeats, Delta Bard (revised)

Funny what a newly restrung guitar and a good drop-D tuning will do for ya. 😉

Second Coming Blues

Well, I ain’t superstitious
But a rough beast just crossed my path
Well, I ain’t superstitious
But a rough beast just crossed my path
Said the center isn’t holding
And my hour’s coming round at last

No I ain’t superstitious
But a rough beast just slouched my way
You know, I ain’t superstitious
But this rough beast just slouched my way
Said you’re between me and Bethlehem
And I’m late for my birthday

Well, the center isn’t holding
And the best lack all conviction
A cradle’s rocking gently
But the falcon just went missin’ —

Well, I ain’t superstitious
But a rough beast just crossed my path
Well, I ain’t superstitious
But a rough beast just crossed my path
Said the center isn’t holding
And my hour’s coming round at last

Song lyrics I’m working on

It’s kind of an odd piece for me…think Les Barker and you’re on the right track musically. As for motivation, I just wanted to write something unreservedly… silly.


Oh, I’ve been exposed to lots of things
And seen the world of culture,
You might say when it comes to art
I’m a sort of culture vulture,

From Balinese performance art
To cabaret in Soho,
I’ve heard a bit of everything
And I know the good from the so-so.

Poetry from slam to school,
Paintings from Pollock to El Greco,
Outlaw country hardcore bands
And Bauhaus to roccoco.

But I never thought that I’d exclude
Any form of expression
Until I realized that there
Was art that caused depression.

And it’s still a big surprise to me
I seem to have chosen
I’d rather hear “The Humpty Dance”
Than listen to Beethoven.

(4-6 fingerpicked bars of “Fur Elise”, followed by:)
“humpty hump…do the humpty hump…”

From underground to concert hall,
From night club to recital,
The thought of hearing classical
Can make me suicidal.

There’s something in a string quartet
That sets my teeth to grinding,
There’s something ’bout an orchestra,
My brain begins unwinding.

The lowbrow art of everyday
Appeals to my sensations,
And as far as I’m concerned,
It gets my commendation.

Chorus 2:
And it seems to me a big surprise
That the tunes to which I’m partial
Sound more like “Daydream Nation”
And less like Brahms’ “Pastoral.”

Mozart, Bach, and Berlioz
Receive their due from history,
But Tom Waits and the Residents
Are more my cup of mystery.

If all you take away from this
Is that I am a cretin,
This cretin hops with pride and joy,
Unwashed and unbeaten.

And if all you take away from this
Is disdain and rejection,
I’m proud to hold the banner high
For contrarian selection.

Chorus 3:
And it seems to there’s no surprise
To the path that I have chosen,
Since I understand Grandmaster Flash
More than I understand Beethoven.

I’m proud to say I have no shame
In thus blowing my cover,
I’d rather have my iPod set
To Beethoven rolling over.