News and more

Every Sunday I transfer work from here to word processing for safe keeping, editing, etc.  This week, I added 7 poems here; I also every Sunday do 1 exclusive poem for the folks who subscribe to my Patreon site.

Between them I’ve added 196 poems so far this year.

Also did one brand new music/poetry piece for Patrons only.

New solo album getting out there. 

Patreon itself going well but always welcoming for new subscribers. the site is going to be overhauled soon in line with some changes they are making.  It’s a good time to sign up if you want. 

In other changes, starting new full-time work tomorrow AM. Likely will reduce my writing time/volume.
Melancholy is the word of the day. Feels like a failure to me, but it can’t be helped. 

Onward, then

About Tony Brown

A poet with a history in slam, lots of publications; my personal poetry and a little bit of daily life and opinions. Read the page called "About..." for the details. View all posts by Tony Brown

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