Daily Archives: September 4, 2013


How stupid:
an American outside its yard
with no flag to protect it.

It wants to believe
it is camouflaged and wary
yet is as loud as a bridle full of bells.

It wants to stray deep
into a foreign affair.  It wants
to be slick yet it’s stomping everything.

When it moves, it tears out
the spot
where it was.

See the country folk shaking their heads
at the city slicker
shining them on — or so it thinks.

They know better
what side their history is buttered on,
as well as how it tends to fall.

End Of Summer

School buses are rolling on our streets this morning.
Pictures of a friend’s daughter and her baby arrive in the mail.
I’m waiting on the last tomatoes to redden before frost.

Was your summer as fun as the papers would make us believe?

A notorious man hanged himself last night
and half my friends are grimly satisfied.
Serves him right, they say, burn in hell.
They’re acting as if death wasn’t inevitable.  As if
he hasn’t escaped the real punishment through this act,

taken while I was waiting for the last tomatoes to redden before frost.

Buses are rolling this morning.  I watch the kids fidgeting at the stop.
It’s a slow death for some of them; all that school will bring
is social pain and maybe something worse.  For some starting anew
is just continuing to approach the ending.

These pictures of the baby are a snap of perfection:
smiling, her mother rapt while holding her;
with her eyes closed tight she gets to be safe
for a little while.  Her skin’s as red as sunrise…

reminder of how some tomatoes redden, and some fall from the vine.