Sunday exclusive post 6/23/2024

Would it be good for you —
a long time coming but still good
in a comforting way —
would it be good for you if I stopped now
and did no more of this?

What if I
stopped writing completely, let the words
sit inside me and fester
or dry up
to quite ordinary speech,
let the words tell of how to make gravy
or how to plumb? What if I
agreed to sit silent and smile
when it’s appropriate, frown when it’s not,
maintain no expression at all
when none is called for, let my face
tell stories only others have heard?

It would be a terrible joy to do that
but I am willing, I am able. It
would tear me apart but I am done
pretty much as it is — I am game
to be torn apart until I can rest.
I am ok to be rent asunder
by the need to be silent in the teeth
of all this fury, this madness; I can be
silent enough, I think, in the furor of
this brilliant chaos you call a universe.
It will be sorrow, but will be enough.


About Tony Brown

A poet with a history in slam, lots of publications; my personal poetry and a little bit of daily life and opinions. Read the page called "About..." for the details. View all posts by Tony Brown

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