No Name Island

There is a memory I don’t want to accept
floating in the ether of my brain
like an island unattached to a land mass
and I know someday it will find its fastening
but for now I don’t know when

It is going to be rough but I am certain
that one day it will slip and make a mark
as if it were an island unmasked and drifting loose from its land
like a monster into diabolical predicaments
until it settles and becomes an obscure childhood tale
leaving a swollen blood trace behind where it struck

One day with only a pang of ghost pain
I will say ah yes I recall that
it’s a memory of small import
an island remote and just across the bay
I don’t want go there
it’s scrub and refuse
it doesn’t even have a name

About Tony Brown

A poet with a history in slam, lots of publications; my personal poetry and a little bit of daily life and opinions. Read the page called "About..." for the details. View all posts by Tony Brown

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