Daily Archives: May 8, 2024


Blond — a woman natch, turning heads,
natch, as if there was something unnatural
about it when she looked that damn good. A redheaded woman
in black corsets. A brunette tearing apart
a costume — red, all red;
devil’s curls, lethal eyes,
no trace of a color beyond
brown, auburn, dark brown
lending itself to black.

All of it resistant,
all of it forgettable.
People walk by nonchalant
and let it be.

Blonde, blackhhaired,
red, brown; all the same, all quiet
in the front and noisy
from behind.

Do you. Mind
the gap between
what you want and what
you resist. Disdain
the noise;

let go the folly of lust
and let be the peace of all things.

However It Does

Will now the body down
until it breaks or
shatters with cosmic force
on the sidewalk.

Hold the mind intact until it happens then
let go the last participant
until it is parked and perfect
and there is little to say.

Sit there. Stabilize until the world ends
like a neighbor. Tell
it to people — tell them
an explosion doesn’t matter,

that it doesn’t matter how many die. But it does,
it does.  It is of utmost importance.
It stops mattering the moment
the last victim dies:

you see how peace comes to the face,
how it relaxes. You see
how it begins to manifest in the earth
and sky, are struck by it. 

You unwind, let it go.
Whatever cataclysm follows, you let it go
on and on.  It’s not yours to follow.
You were its engine — no more. Let go.

Let go and let God take it. You 
were always reluctant. Now let God
do its part. Whatever you end up
calling it.  However it answers.