Grilled Cheese Epiphany

An old man passes by
in the supermarket
with his mouth open
neither smile nor frown
breathing not that hard
but hard enough to notice

Right behind him
a child follows her young father
adoring him and asking
for grilled cheese when they get home

He tells her he’ll do it
They’ll do it the right way
where he puts the butter on the bread
and puts it in the oven
It takes longer but
it’s the best

She says Daddy I know that
Everyone knows that 

The little girl is serious
Her dad is just too busy 
to acknowledge 
That old man’s oblivious
All I have to add
is my unnoticed smile
as I remember I’m going to die someday
and toss bread and cheese into my cart
It’s not going to happen
before I find out
if the dad and his daughter
are telling the truth
Don’t want to end up
like that old man
never having a chance 
to be part of everyone 
before that happens

About Tony Brown

A poet with a history in slam, lots of publications; my personal poetry and a little bit of daily life and opinions. Read the page called "About..." for the details. View all posts by Tony Brown

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